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global gPlayerName, gGameLevel, gPlayerTips, gHighScores, gMaxHiScores, gGameSetup, gGameLevelStartTime, gPlayerTipsThisLevel, gGameLevelTime, gDrinksServedThisLevel, gDemoVersion on continueGame global gGameLevelStartTime, gPauseState if inBonusMode() then if gDemoVersion then go("Main Menu") exit end if gPauseState = 0 startBonusMode() if inShotMode() then returnToBar(#shot) else gotoBonusRound() end if exit end if resetForcedCharacterTimer() if inGameMode() then startNextLEvel() if gDemoVersion and (gGameLevel > 1) then go("Main Menu") exit end if gGameLevelStartTime = elapsedTime(gGameLevelTime) returnToBar(#game) newCharacterEnters(#Always) else if gDemoVersion then go("Main Menu") exit end if gGameLevel = 0 startNewGame() startNextLEvel() gGameLevelStartTime = now() returnToBar(#recipe) newCharacterEnters(#Always, VOID, 2) end if restoreWindowState() pullWindowsForward() end on restartGameLevel global gBounceInProgress, gNewLevel, gPauseState, gPauseTime, gGameLevelTime, gGameLevelStartTime gPauseTime = 0 gPauseState = 0 reinitializeCharacters() reinitializeBarTopManager() waitCursor() readInData() refreshTipRegister() gGameLevelStartTime = elapsedTime(gGameLevelTime) gNewLevel = 0 playTrack() resetCursor() end on restartBonusRound global gPauseState, gPauseTime, gBonusLimit, gBonusStartTime, gGameLevelTime gPauseTime = 0 gPauseState = 0 gBonusStartTime = elapsedTime(gGameLevelTime) playTrack() refreshTipRegister(VOID, 1) waitCursor() readInData() resetCursor() end on startNextLEvel global gBounceInProgress, gNewLevel, gServedUnderage, gPauseState, gPauseTime, gRecipeWindowOpenTime, gTotalAccuracy, gPlayerCardWarnings, gWarnedAboutGlassesUnderBar, gPearlyGates, gUserQuitFlag, gCharChildren gPearlyGates = 0 gUserQuitFlag = 0 gWarnedAboutGlassesUnderBar = 0 gPlayerCardWarnings = 0 gServedUnderage = 0 gRecipeWindowOpenTime = 0 gTotalAccuracy = 0 gPauseTime = 0 gPauseState = 0 gNewLevel = 1 gGameLevel = gGameLevel + 1 if gGameLevel > 1 then setLevelCurrentSong() end if reinitializeBarTopManager() repeat with persistentPatron in gCharChildren mSoberUp(persistentPatron) end repeat repeat with X = 9 to 20 sendSprite(X, #beginSprite) end repeat emptyGlasses(1) repeat with X = 78 to 89 sendSprite(X, #beginSprite) sendSprite(X, #mRemoveDrink) end repeat gBounceInProgress = 0 gPlayerTipsThisLevel = 0 refreshTipRegister() gDrinksServedThisLevel = 0 gGameLevelTime = 0 if gGameLevel > count(gGameSetup) then endOfGame() abort() end if end on beyondMaxTips global gPlayerTipsThisLevel if (gPlayerTipsThisLevel >= currentLevel(#MAXEARLYTIPS)) and inGameMode() then return 1 else return 0 end if end on beyondMinTips factor global gPlayerTipsThisLevel if voidp(factor) then factor = 1.0 end if if (gPlayerTipsThisLevel >= (currentLevel(#MINTIPS) * factor)) and inGameMode() then return 1 else return 0 end if end on endOfLevel global gGameLevelStartTime, gLeftOverTime, gServedUnderage, gUserQuitFlag gLeftOverTime = max(0, timeLeftOnThisLevel()) waitForDraggingMIAW() beginPause() dismissAllCrap(inMixingMode()) menuMode(1) updateStage() if inBonusMode() then go("BonusSummary") else if inPracticeMode() or gServedUnderage or gUserQuitFlag then gotoRoundSummary() else if beyondMaxTips() then gotoRoundSummary() managerVO("U01", 1) else if beyondMinTips(1.5) then gotoRoundSummary() managerVO(randomFromList(["O01", "W02", "W03", "x03"]), 0) else if beyondMinTips() then gotoRoundSummary() managerVO("O02", 0) else gotoRoundSummary() managerVO("E05", 1) if gPlayerTipsThisLevel < (currentLevel(#MINTIPS) / 3) then managerVO("U03", 1) if gGameLevel = 1 then managerVO(randomFromList(["u07", "U10", "u14"]), 0) end if else managerVO(randomFromList(["U02"]), 0) end if end if end if end if end if end if gGameLevelStartTime = now() end on endOfGame global gUserQuitFlag, gLastSavedGameName beginPause() setLevelCurrentSong() if (gUserQuitFlag = 0) or (gLastSavedGameName = EMPTY) then eligible = 1 else eligible = 0 end if if inPracticeMode() or not eligible then exitGame(0) exit end if if gPlayerTips > 0 then newHi = checkHiScore(1) else newHi = 0 end if if newHi > 0 then updateHighScoreChart() dismissAllCrap(0) if heavenly(newHi) then showHeaven() else go("High Scores") end if else exitGame(0) end if end on heavenly newHi global gGameLevel, gGameSetup, gEasyHeaven, gPlayerTips, gMaxTips if (gGameLevel >= 5) and (newHi = 1) then return 1 else if gEasyHeaven and (gGameLevel >= 1) then return 1 else if gGameLevel > count(gGameSetup) then return 1 else if gPlayerTips >= gMaxTips then return 1 else return 0 end if end if end if end if end on showHeaven global gPearlyGates gPearlyGates = 1 closeDownTheShow() end on closeDownTheShow closeAllWindows(0) replaceDraggingAnything() go("WaitForPatrons") abort() end on hideDragRect global gDragRect, gActiveWindow gActiveWindow = the stage sprite(gDragRect).rect = rect(-10, -10, -5, -5) end on dismissAllCrap saveWindows stopPatronSounds() closeAllWindows(saveWindows) replaceDraggingAnything() the actorList = [] dismissToolTip(1) hideDragRect() end on storeLastIngredient ingredient global gLastIngredient, gRecoverLastIngredient gLastIngredient = ingredient if not isGlassNotBeer(ingredient) and not isVessel(ingredient) then gRecoverLastIngredient = ingredient end if end on replaceDraggingAnything global gXbottlePopup, gSodaGunPopup, gMatrixMode gMatrixMode = 0 stopSoundFX() replaceActiveBottle() replaceWellItem() sendSprite(gXbottlePopup, #mHidePopup) sendSprite(gSodaGunPopup, #mHidePopup) end on quitSequence global gGameLevel if gGameLevel = 0 then quitTheProjector() else quitGame() end if end on quitTheProjector answer = yesNoDialogBox("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Exit?", #question, #NO) if answer = #yes then go("Quit") end if end on exitGame saveWindows dismissAllCrap(saveWindows) go("Main Menu") end on removeGarnish global gBarTopManager barGlass = getActiveGlass() if barGlass <> 0 then barSlot = glassSpriteToBarSlot(barGlass.spriteNum) status = sprite(barSlotToSprite(barSlot)).pStatus if getOne([#serving, #served], status) then alertBeep() exit end if glassType = getBarTopGlass(gBarTopManager, barSlot) if glassType = #none then exit end if ungarnishedGlass = glassPrefix(glassType) & "_none" setBarTopGlass(gBarTopManager, barSlot, member(ungarnishedGlass), glassType, 1, VOID, #noGarnish) clickSound() end if end on emptyGlasses silent, mixingGlassesOnly, activeGlassOnly global gMixingVesselsList, gWastingLiquorWarnings admonish = 0 thisGlass = getActiveGlass() thisPatron = getActiveCharacter() if thisPatron = 0 then exit end if if not mixingGlassesOnly and (thisGlass <> 0) then if sprite(thisPatron).pStatus = #serving then alertBeep() exit end if if sendSprite(thisGlass, #mIsHoldingLiquor) > 0 then admonish = 1 end if sendSprite(thisGlass, #mEmptyGlass) sendSprite(thisGlass, #mDropIt) end if if not activeGlassOnly then repeat with X in gMixingVesselsList if sendSprite(X, #mIsHoldingLiquor) > 0 then admonish = 1 end if sendSprite(X, #mEmptyGlass) end repeat end if if admonish and not silent then gWastingLiquorWarnings = gWastingLiquorWarnings + 1 if gWastingLiquorWarnings = 1 then managerVO("R01") else if gWastingLiquorWarnings = 3 then gWastingLiquorWarnings = 0 end if end if end if resetPourMeter() end on checkHiScore recordIt, newScore global gPlayerTips if voidp(newScore) then newScore = gPlayerTips end if if newScore = 0 then return 0 end if repeat with X = 1 to count(gHighScores) if newScore > gHighScores[X][#tips] then exit repeat end if end repeat if X <= gMaxHiScores then if recordIt then gHighScores[X] = [#playerName: gPlayerName, #level: gGameLevel, #tips: newScore] if count(gHighScores) > gMaxHiScores then deleteAt(gHighScores, gMaxHiScores + 1) end if end if return X else return 0 end if end on formatHiScoreData addDollarSign if addDollarSign then dollarSign = "$ " tempText = EMPTY else tempText = fileVersion(#hiscore) & RETURN dollarSign = EMPTY end if repeat with X = 1 to min(gMaxHiScores, count(gHighScores)) put gHighScores[X][#playerName] & TAB & gHighScores[X][#level] & TAB & dollarSign & float(gHighScores[X][#tips]) & RETURN after dollarSign end repeat delete char -30000 of tempText return tempText end on updateHighScoreChart global gHighScoreFile hiScoreData = formatHiScoreData(0) success = saveGame(gHighScoreFile, hiScoreData, "Hi Score Data", "HiScores.RYE", "LChs BEER") end on retrieveHiScores global gHighScoreFile, gInText gHighScores = [] hiScoreData = retrieveFile(gHighScoreFile) if not voidp(hiScoreData) then gInText = hiScoreData if checkVersionString(#hiscore) then parseHiScoreData(gInText) end if end if end on parseHiScoreData userData oldDelimiter = the itemDelimiter the itemDelimiter = TAB gHighScores = [] numLines = the number of lines in userData repeat with X = 1 to min(gMaxHiScores, numLines) thisLine = userData.line[X] name = thisLine.item[1] level = integer(thisLine.item[2]) tips = value(thisLine.item[3]) gHighScores[X] = [#playerName: name, #level: level, #tips: tips] end repeat the itemDelimiter = oldDelimiter end on formatObjectives thisLevel global gGameSetup thisRound = gGameSetup[thisLevel] temp = "Get ready to mix some drinks! Earn at least the minimum tips in the allotted time to advance to the bonus round. Earn tips faster to advance early." & RETURN & RETURN temp = temp & "Maximum Time this shift:" & TAB & integer(ticksToMinutes(thisRound[#duration])) && "minutes" & RETURN temp = temp & "Minimum Tips to advance:" & TAB & "$" & float(thisRound[#MINTIPS]) & RETURN temp = temp & "Advance early if you earn:" & TAB & "$" & float(thisRound[#MAXEARLYTIPS]) return temp end